
We aim to be a leader in promoting the benefits of the use of natural products, as well as promoting safe horticultural practices across all spectrums of garden care.

Our business is committed to preserving a healthy environment and to inspire a
fundamental shift towards environmental responsibility.

Sustainable Ingredients

Our products are made using marine by-products that would otherwise go to waste. In connecting people with these powerful nutrients, we are closing the environmental loop and bringing nature's genius back into the garden.

Our mission is to encourage good soil biology for all, helping plants thrive by giving them a greater resistance to pests and disease.

Sustainable Packaging

All Aquaticus packaging is 100% recyclable.

The Aquaticus ClickMix bottle (with hose attachment) is designed to be re-used time and time again with Aquaticus 5L Garden Booster Refills.

Aquaticus is currently developing new packaging systems, including a cardboard carton pack, which will enable even easier recyclability.